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    Discover some of the most effective SEO strategies that enterprise companies must prioritize. Manage the challenges and gain the insights for solutions to boost your overall search visibility.

    Susan Connelly

    Susan Connelly

    Susan is a senior SEO digital marketing professional. During her time at seoClarity, she provided clients consulting services through the Professional Services team.

    Author's Posts

    A Guide to Understanding Self-Referencing Hreflang Tags - Featured Image

    A Guide to Understanding Self-Referencing Hreflang Tags

    Hreflang tags are an essential part of any international SEO strategy. They signal to search engines the language and regional targeting of your content, ensuring that your website is visible and acce...
    Top Page Speed Testing Tools For Analyzing Site Performance - Featured Image

    Top Page Speed Testing Tools For Analyzing Site Performance

    Ensuring your website’s pages load quickly creates a positive user experience in SEO.
    What is Schema and is it Important for SEO? - Featured Image

    What is Schema and is it Important for SEO?

    Since SEOs ask us about structured data markups we've decided to create this short guide to show seoClarity’s recommendation in how and why to use schema markup for your web pages.
    14 Common Robots.txt Issues (and How to Avoid Them) - Featured Image

    14 Common Robots.txt Issues (and How to Avoid Them)

    Robots.txt files are a useful asset in limiting a search engine crawler (like Googlebot) from seeing unimportant pages on your site.
    The Ultimate Guide to International SEO for Enterprise Sites - Featured Image

    The Ultimate Guide to International SEO for Enterprise Sites

    Many large corporations have offices in multiple countries, and even if they operate from a single location, they more than likely ship products internationally.
    7 Common Issues with Implementing Structured Data - Featured Image

    7 Common Issues with Implementing Structured Data

    Incorporating schema markup on your site offers an incredible opportunity to improve search visibility and boost organic click-through rate (CTR).
    12 Common Hreflang Mistakes and How to Prevent Them - Featured Image

    12 Common Hreflang Mistakes and How to Prevent Them

    Issues with hreflang tags have serious negative implications on a brand’s international targeting and placement within search results. Adding to the challenge is the fact that there is no one-size-fit...
    What Online Streaming Sites Need to Know for their SEO Strategy [Research Included] - Featured Image

    What Online Streaming Sites Need to Know for their SEO Strategy [Research Included]

    Multimedia streaming services all have the same challenges: huge sites that make it difficult to scale, and competition against universal search.
    SEO Audit Pricing: Everything to Know About Audit Costs - Featured Image

    SEO Audit Pricing: Everything to Know About Audit Costs

    In order to succeed in SEO and offer a positive user experience, you must have a complete understanding of how your site operates and its overall health.
    Why Do an SEO Audit, Especially With an External Partner - Featured Image

    Why Do an SEO Audit, Especially With an External Partner

    Why Do an SEO Audit? An SEO audit uncovers everything about your site: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    Got 15 Minutes to Spare? Perform This Quick SEO Audit. - Featured Image

    Got 15 Minutes to Spare? Perform This Quick SEO Audit.

    Whether you’re a seasoned SEO veteran or an optimization newbie, you likely understand the challenges associated with improving your site’s search visibility. After all, even a site with the most beau...
    What the Core Web Vitals Update Means for SEO - Featured Image

    What the Core Web Vitals Update Means for SEO

    On May 28, 2020, Google announced an upcoming update to search ranking signals to be known as “Page Experience.” Collectively, these signals seek to evaluate web pages by the quality of their user exp...
    How Does Ecommerce Personalization Affect SEO? - Featured Image

    How Does Ecommerce Personalization Affect SEO?

    Blame Netflix. We are truly entering a new era of SEO.
    3 Success Metrics Professional Services Brings to SEO Teams - Featured Image

    3 Success Metrics Professional Services Brings to SEO Teams

    Throughout my career, I have provided SEO recommendations based on analytics data, but I would also need a technology partner to provide the large scale data and analytics that was required to support...
    Reporting SEO: How to Take SEO Reports to the Next Level - Featured Image

    Reporting SEO: How to Take SEO Reports to the Next Level

    The most successful search marketers use a simple hack to scale their SEO performance – and it has nothing to do with search engines, links, or content. What's the secret to their success? Sending str...
    B2B Ecommerce Site Earns 30% YOY Growth in Organic Search Traffic


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    We're focused on providing our clients with fast, actionable insights and content recommendations required to connect with their customers in the moments that matter.